HS FB VS JONES CO 9/2/22 Tigers football will play vs Jones County tonight in White River, kickoff at 7:00 pm! Livestream link here: https://youtu.be/WMKMW4-hIq0 Good luck Tigers!!
over 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
HS VB VS NEW UNDERWOOD 9/1/22 Livestream link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWk-Jx_lxJY
over 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
HS VB VS NEW UNDERWOOD 9/1/22 The Lady Tigers will play vs New Underwood tonight, JV match will start at 6:00 pm followed by the Varsity match. Let's goooo Lady Tigers!!
over 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
To celebrate the upcoming River Bowl football game vs. Jones County, the Middle School will have a dress up day on Thursday, September 1st. Wear your brightest neon colors and support the Tigers!
over 2 years ago, David Monnens
HS CC AT WINNER 8/26/22 Tigers cross country will run at Winner today, starts at 10:00 am! Good luck Tigers!!!
over 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
HS FB AT BENNETT CO 8/26/22 Tigers football will play at Bennett County tomorrow night, kickoff will be at 6:30 pm (central)! Livestream link here: https://youtu.be/D1xFtCe-o-4 Let's gooo TIGERS!!!
over 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
Dear Parent/Guardians: As a culmination of a long hot week, during our 1st week of schools. On Thursday, August 25, 2022, the students will be learning fire safety, fire careers, and enjoying the spray of the water to cool them off at around 2:00pm until the end of the day. If anyone wants, you may want to send a change of clothes for your students after the water fun. Thanks, and all of us staff at Norris Elementary are looking forward to a fantastic year. Brian Sieh, Principal
over 2 years ago, Brian Sieh
Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! School will begin for all students tomorrow morning. Buses will run in Norris at approximately 6:15 am, Corn Creek at 6:30 am, Horse Creek at 6:45 am, and Swift Bear at 7:15 am. Breakfast will begin at 7:30 am and classes will begin at 8:05 am. Preschool students will be dismissed at 2:00 pm, Elementary students at 3:35 pm, and MS/HS students at 3:45 pm. We look forward to seeing all of the students back in their classrooms! Please call the school if you have any questions. See you in the morning! Go Tigers!
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
The high school volleyball team is hosting a car wash tomorrow at the fire station in White River. They will be washing vehicles from 12:00-4:00 pm. Please stop in and support the Lady Tigers' volleyball team!
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
HS FB AT KADOKA AREA 8/18/22 Tigers football will play at Kadoka Area tonight, kick off will be at 7:00 pm (central). Live stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO2xZkGbasU Let's gooo Tigers!!
over 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
The high school football game originally scheduled for this Friday has been moved to tomorrow night in Kadoka beginning at 7:00 pm CT. Go Tigers!
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
Cookies are ready! Join us for the open house from 5-7 pm.
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
The White River School District is hosting an Open House this evening from 5:00-7:00 pm. Stop in and meet our staff!
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
We got off to great start today at WRSD Day 1 Staff In-service! Let’s get to work! Jonathan Alsheimer is a must see keynote! Excited to work with him throughout the year on getting students excited about learning!
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
Day 1 WRSD Inservice
White River School District 47-1 Special School Board Meeting August 16, 2022 7:30 AM 1. Chairman calls the meeting to order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. Chairman calls on the Business Manager to record the roll: Adrian__Baldock__Hodges__Hutchinson__Krogman__Lehman__Schmidt___ 4. Additions or deletions to this agenda. 5. Approve the agenda for this meeting. Moved by___________________________Seconded by____________________ Adrian__Baldock__Hodges__Hutchinson__Krogman__Lehman__Schmidt___ 6. Motion to approve the fuel bid(s) from_________________________________. Moved by________________________Seconded by______________________ Adrian__Baldock__Hodges__Hutchinson__Krogman__Lehman__Schmidt___ 7. Motion to adjourn into executive session as per SDCL 1-25-2 for student, personnel, legal, and negotiation matters. TIME IN:________TIME OUT:________ Moved by________________________Seconded by______________________ Adrian__Baldock__Hodges__Hutchinson__Krogman__Lehman__Schmidt___ 8. Motion to adjourn the meeting. Moved by________________________Seconded by______________________ Adrian__Baldock__Hodges__Hutchinson__Krogman__Lehman__Schmidt___
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
There will be a football cheer meeting Thursday, August 11th at 6:45 pm in Barnhart gymnasium.
over 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
Notice: time change. Sports physicals in Norris will be held on Wednesday, August 10, from 9:00 am-1:00 pm.
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
WHITE RIVER SCHOOL DISTRICT 47-1 SCHOOL BOARD MEETING AUGUST 8, 2022 6:30 PM A. ROUTINES--ORDER A-1 CHAIRMAN CALLS THE MEETING TO ORDER A-2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG A-3 ROLL CALL A-4 ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS A-5 APPROVE AGENDA B. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION—is placed first on the Agenda to accommodate (1) a school patron who wishes to address the Board; or, (2) a patron who wishes to present a proposal or concern; or, (3) to a patron who has provided the Board Chairman with a written grievance prior to the meeting which has not been resolved after the school patron has worked through the school organization. (Working through the organization means the school patron has met with the staff member, as appropriate; and with the principal, as needed; and/or, then with the superintendent.) If these meetings have been held and the grievance remains unsolved, the Board will deal with the written grievance at its meeting. If not, the Board shall proceed, without interruption, with the other business of the Board. Personnel matters of a controversial nature, which would include students, teachers, or other persons, shall not be discussed by the Board in open session with a school patron. A school patron may request an executive session with the Board. (An executive session may be granted at the Board’s discretion; and, only after the Board’s business is concluded. This is an accommodation to other school patrons who are attending this meeting.) Anyone wishing to speak to the Board must be acknowledged by the Board Chairman. This will permit the meeting to be handled in an orderly manner. Speakers are requested to identify themselves and their topic and are asked to limit their remarks to five (5) minutes. Thank you for your attendance, interest, and participation. B-1 Joyce Glynn – MGM Coalition Survey Results B-2 Louie Krogman – Joyce Glynn Recognition C. ROUTINES--BUSINESS C-1 Minutes, Financial Reports, Payment of Bills, Food Service Prices C-2 Fuel Bids C-3 Purchase Lot D. PERSONNEL AND OTHER ACTION ITEMS D-1 Principal’s Reports D-2 Travel Reports D-3 Travel Requests D-4 Bus Pick Up Points – Jones County E SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT E-1 SDSSA Conference Recap E-2 Facilities Update E-3 ESSER Fund Update E-4 ParentGuidance.org F. EXECUTIVE SESSION(s) as needed G. ADJOURNMENT
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
Registration for high school and middle school students will be on August 8th and 9th in White River and August 10th in Norris.
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
High School football practice begins tomorrow - Thursday, August 4th. Practice will begin at 7:30am, show up by 7:15am. Every student must have their sports physical done before they can participate in practice. If any student needs a ride in order to get to practice, they can contact Spencer Blom at 605-454-2508
over 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall